2008年1月14日 星期一

DTM, 創意+公益的第三世界環保設計團體

Design that Matters (DtM), 是一個將環保公益視為創新活動的設計團體

她們認為第三世界的濟世活動: 如嬰兒保溫箱 儲水器等等 缺乏的就是更有創意與創新的設計


Design that Matters (DtM), a 501c3 nonprofit based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, creates new products that allow social enterprises in developing countries to offer improved services and scale more quickly. DtM has built a collaborative design process through which hundreds of volunteers in academia and industry donate their skills and expertise to the creation of breakthrough products for communities in need. Our goal is to deliver a better quality of service, and a better quality of life, to one million beneficiaries through products designed for our clients by 2012.
